Monthly Archives: March 2011

Teens and the Elderly

Nature makes teens and the elderly mean. Otherwise, we would never let them go.

–a grandmother

Spring Storm at the Beach

Incessant sheeting skeins of rain
Cut across the morning’s grain
A sumi ink drawing could not perfect
Their sinusoidal curtains swaying.

Through ink black trees still I detect
Deep beneath the intellect,
A whiff of joy in the rush
And twist of this storm’s great bullneck.

There!–in the full onrush
Amid the rumble and the crush
Of tumbling skies and rolling air,
The spring time cry of a hermit thrush.

Stealing Fire

“Ok, so you stole fire but you lack two things, justice and reverence. Without justice and reverence your stealing fire will be your undoing.”

–Zeus to Prometheus.

Thai Food

The hour is late.
The dishes are cleared–my god, what food.
Delectable Thai hot, blinking back the burn,
We ride the ripping roller coaster of flavors,
Coasting slowly to a stop on front of home made mango ice cream and jasmine tea.
Designed to slowly slay you with it’s erotic intensity,
who cannot lie down exhausted?
Next week?
Same time?

So Long, Pinetop

Pinetop Perkins, one of the last original Delta bluesmen, is dead at 97. So long, Pinetop. I was fortunate enough to see you perform before you left. You showed me and the world the gut bucket joy and low down sexual drive that makes the blues a universal art form. You didn’t clean up the blues, but left them in their raw, electric, visceral glory.

Young Men and Danger

Another big wave surfer, Sion Miloski, is drowned at Mavericks. He left two young children. Someone, maybe them, wrote “we love you Daddy” in the sand at the beach where they found his body. One could say, how self-centered and foolish to surf 60 foot waves, especially with little kids at home. However, moralizing is a poor container for what will not be contained. There is a fierce and terrible beauty when young men tempt fate. They would agree with you if you called them fools.

Emerson on language

Language is fossil poetry.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Einstein on Play

Combinatory play seems to be the essential feature in productive thought.

–Albert Einstein

Emerson on Endings

The end of the human race will be that it will eventually die of civilization.
–Ralph WaldoEmerson US essayist & poet (1803 – 1882)

Yesterday and Today

The rickety old man in church said he had been a model for the statue of the young, dashing Teddy Roosevelt in the park in the 1940’s.

Tonight the moon hung like a baby’s fingernail in the twilight behind the phone company building. It seems like it was huge and full just yesterday.

Our “new” house will be 100 years old next year– built the year the Titanic sank.

The sweet smell of the daphne near the front steps is late this year. I wait all winter for this first sign of Spring, yet in two weeks it will disappear again for a long season.

My mother remembers her grandmother, a civil war widow, saying her husband came home to their farm after the war and told her he “didn’t want to talk about it.”

It seems everything new, either shiney or awful, is in such a rush to become old.